To avoid getting caught
- Wear shoes different size than your own
- Glove with six fingers (so if you get caught on camera they’ll think it’s AI)
- Other prosthetics
- Leave your phone at home with netflix open playing a movie
- Dress up as three raccoons wearing a trench coat
- Pay in cash, wear a mask (like the covid ones), consider sunglasses or a hat as well. Don’t keep the receipt.
- Avoid usual routes getting to and from.
- Get a fake tattoo in an obvious place while you cover everything else on your body like wear a mask, a hat and glasses and leave your arm exposed with this fake removable tattoo.
- put the horseshoes on backwards so it looks like your horse is going the opposite direction.
- Really? Put horseshoes on backward? This is modern times, you have to put your tires on backward now.
- To save time, instead of reversing the tires, I just drive backwards, in a rear wheel drive sedan.
- Skinny people should also wear multiple bulky layers to change the shape and silhouette of their body.
- Some law enforcement has also narrowed down who they’re looking at based on body movements, gait, and posture.
- Most people subconsciously move very rigidly, or very fluidly. Becoming aware of this and practicing switching between the two can be very useful.
- Drive carefully and follow the traffic laws.
- Invisibility cloak.
- What about disguising yourself as one of them food delivery robots?
Email me if you have more things to add.